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    2. Filling Machine
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      Note labeling machine purchase
      Double-click automatically scroll Writer:  update:2010-07-14

          As the saying goes, any product needs packaging, packaging products, good or bad directly affects the market value and image. In particular, pharmaceutical, food industry, the most important, as they and the public's daily life;  bottled product labeling is the top priority after the packaging process, labeling machine is a combination of machine, electricity, gas , light, magnetism as one of the mechanical and electrical equipment. Along with the advance of economic globalization and China's successful accession to WTO, labeling machine during the packaging of products play an increasingly important role, then what is the best machine labeling machine do? How choose a good manufacturer labeler it? As the one in the field of automated packaging machinery professionals are on their own experience accumulated over many years, combined with some of the problems facing manufacturers in this for in analysis, only for your reference.
          Selection of quality labeling machines Note:

          First, the labeling machine speed: the manufacturer must be in accordance with their requirements, combined with the preceding line to determine the speed of purchase labeling machine, a perfect match can be taken into account, so as to realize optimization, rationalization, harmonization.

          Second, the labeling machine accuracy: labeling process is the final product packaging, labeling products directly related to the quality of the appearance of the image and marketing, label accuracy, printing effect is good, the label does not wrinkle formation, no bubble was is a symbol of quality, otherwise it will reduce the product grade invisible.

          Finally, the labeling machine stability: a good mechanical structure design labeling machines only reasonable, all kinds of cloth out in the regular line, components, structural stability, mechanical and electrical machines can guarantee good quality in the long term high load conditions in normal operation, labeling machine can operate long-term stability and reduce the maintenance costs, to meet the reasonable requirements of production customers, more manufacturers to bring quality assurance, production leap.

          In the final analysis, affect the labeling machine labeling quality (speed, accuracy, stability) of the important factors for control systems and electrical systems, most of the Asian and global labeling machine manufacturers are stepping motor combined with PLC program control.

      All rights reserved. Jinan Xunjie Machinery Co., Ltd. Address: Lingang Development Zone, Jinan City, Airport Road, No. 3843 Tel :0531-88908865 88906638 Fax:0531-88022130
      Xunjie Technology/Technical Support LU ICP Preparation 07072650

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