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    2. Filling Machine
      Packaging Machine
      Seal Machine
      Bundle Packet Machine
      Fight Code Machine
      Shrinkage Machine
      Origami Machine
      Filling The End Of Closure
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      Classification of food packaging machinery
      Double-click automatically scroll Writer:  update:2010-07-14
          Wide variety of food packaging machinery, classification of many. From a different point of view can have multiple, state divided by product, a liquid, massive, granular packaging machine; by packing the role of points, there is within the packaging, outsourcing packaging machine; by Packaging Sector, has food, daily Chemical and textile packaging machine; by packing station points, with a single station, multi-station packaging machine; by automation points, there are semi-automatic, fully automatic packaging machines. The classification of packaging machinery there are many, various classifications have their own characteristics and application, but has its limitations. Packaging machinery from the general international situation, more scientific classification is the classification of its main functions, it can grasp the essence of things. The basic categories are as follows:
      (1) Filling Machine
      Filling machine is the exact number of packaging products to a variety of containers into the packaging machine. The main types are: volumetric filling machine, weighing filling machine
      Counting Filling Machine.
      (2) sealing machine
      Sealing machine is filling a packaging container sealing machine, the main categories are: no sealing material sealing machine, sealing machine with sealing material, a secondary sealing material sealing machine.
      (3) Wrapping Machine
      Binding machine is flexible packaging materials, in whole or in part, to the packaging wrapping up the packaging machine. The main categories are: Full Wrap Packaging Machine,
      Semi-Wrap Packaging Machine.
      (4) multi-packaging machine
      Such packaging machine with two or more functions. The main types are: filling and sealing machine, forming, filling and sealing machine, shape filling and sealing machine,
      Double-sided sealing machine.
      (5) according to the location and sealing tape by the Number of Category I-sealing machine, H-type sealing machine.
      (6) general categories according to the degree of special sealing machine, sealing machine-specific, random-type sealing machine.
      All rights reserved. Jinan Xunjie Machinery Co., Ltd. Address: Lingang Development Zone, Jinan City, Airport Road, No. 3843 Tel :0531-88908865 88906638 Fax:0531-88022130
      Xunjie Technology/Technical Support LU ICP Preparation 07072650

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