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    2. Filling Machine
      Packaging Machine
      Seal Machine
      Bundle Packet Machine
      Fight Code Machine
      Shrinkage Machine
      Origami Machine
      Filling The End Of Closure
      Penma Machine
      Labeler Machine

      >>Contact us Current Position:Home>>Contact us

      Jinan Xunjie Machinery Co., Ltd. located in Lingang Development Zone, Jinan City, Airport Road, No. 3843
      Around the landmark: located in front of a haul Hotel (see map).
      Jinan take a taxi from the airport to the company about 50 yuan (TAXI).

      By car to the company:
      ①Through Qin-yin highway to our company: (see the company line map) away from the wall along the Ji-Qing Highway towards the direction of the international airport, into the airport expressway, travel 8.8 km along the Airport Expressway, turn right to travel 90 meters, had the right gas station about 270 meters, the right front turn into Airport Road, travel along the Airport Road, about 2.6 km to reach the company.

      ②Through Ji-Qing highway to company: (refer to the company line map) along the Qingdao-Yinchuan Highway towards the direction of moving away from the wall International Airport, the airport highway, driving along the airport highway 4.4 km, turn right to travel 90 meters, had the right gas station about 270 meters, the right front turn into Airport Road, travel along the Airport Road, about 2.6 km to reach the company.


      Shenyang Office:

      Wuhan Office:
      Phone:024-85615129 85615360
      Move Phone :13700056963
      Website :http://www.packln.cn
      Add:Road construction in Shenyang City, 57 are international love Room 1301
      Phone :027-87803373 87561179
      Fax: 027-87561179
      Move Phone : 15972987761
      Website :http://www.hongxingbz.net
      Add :Luo Yu Road, Wuhan City 618, A-1602 Room

      Jinan Corporation:

      Phone: 0531-88906638 88908865
      Fax: 0531-88022130
      Move Phone: 13589095288
      Website: http://www.fy2l.com
      E-mail: xjpack@163.com
      Add: Lingang Development Zone, Jinan City, Airport Road, No. 3843


      All rights reserved. Jinan Xunjie Machinery Co., Ltd. Address: Lingang Development Zone, Jinan City, Airport Road, No. 3843 Tel :0531-88908865 88906638 Fax:0531-88022130
      Xunjie Technology/Technical Support LU ICP Preparation 07072650

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